The Models are the HERO of the PredictRetail Solutions

The variety of pre-built models in PredictRetail allows for a staggered AI adoption process aligned to your business goals, essentially giving you the right solution at the right time. These predictive and statistical models will then customise themselves to your environment enabling real-time, actionable insights into corporate performance.
PredictRetail models
Price Elasticity
What is price elasticity?
This model analyses the effect of past price changes on volume sold by category (regular, promo, combined, covid).
Why use a price elasticity model?
Price Optimisation
What is price optimisation?
This model recommends the most effective price points and pricing strategy per product to help maximise margins or market share.
Why use a price optimisation model?
Promo Analytics
What is promo analytics?
This model analyses the impact of past promotions on products plus the impact on Halo and Cannibal products.
Why use a promo analytics model?
Sales and Demand Forecasting
What is sales and demand forecasting?
This model predicts the supply and demand of inventory more accurately.
Why use a sales and demand forecasting model model?