We believe that it is vital to make a difference beyond the world of work. Driven by our values of People-centricity, Passion, Excellence and Teamwork, we team up with staff members who are doing fantastic work in their communities, trying to make the world a brighter place for everyone.
"We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference."
Nelson Mandela
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Mahatma Ghandi
Some initiatives that we are involved in
ikageng Itireleng aids ministry
“Ikageng Itireleng” means “help them help themselves” in Sotho; and that is exactly what Ikageng Itireleng AIDS Ministry is doing for more than 1,000 orphaned and vulnerable children. These children have experienced first-hand the true devastation of losing their parents and guardians to AIDS. By providing for all their basic needs, Ikageng relieves some of the pressure and despair faced by children who, having lost their parents, are forced to take on adult roles.
Ikageng Itireleng’s community-based model of care builds a strong family unit and ultimately ensures that the children have a stable support system to help sustain them through difficult times.
Over the past few years, the ATG family has built a playground, sponsored Christmas parcels, basic necessity packs, ICT equipment and donated time to help the management team and children have access to digital and basic human needs.
We believe in creating new opportunities for those less fortunate and annually provide bursaries for disabled students, allowing them to enter the digital world of work.
Action4 teaches blind and disabled young people about computers and software to allow them to write their Microsoft accreditations.
ATG sponsors learnerships, equipment and courses for multiple students, giving them the skills to enter the workplace. We believe in opening up opportunities by growing their careers for purposeful futures.
Best Health Solutions is a professional health services provider entity. Team members are based globally and specialise in industrial, corporate and domestic health improvement programs and research services, including training.
Their vision and mission are to provide quality and affordable services to companies, non-governmental organisations and individuals. Create a better life for everyone and provide quality services and products that improve health outcomes and enhance the quality of life in the community.
The ATG family provided ICT equipment to help the management team have access to the digital needs required.
Joburg Child Welfare - Othandweni Family Care Centre
Othandweni Family Care Centre in Soweto is home to 30 babies and toddlers in the nursery and 60 children in cottages on the property.
Each granny is assigned two children, spending two hours daily, five days a week, with each child. The children are paired with grannies and retired local women from the community. They spend special one on one time with each child. They provide individual stimulation and education, which are vital for the child’s healthy development. The program introduces stimulation, attention and love from a trusted primary caregiver adult and improves the bonding and attachment skills of the child (Spence-Chapin, 2012).
The ATG family donated funds to assist and support the family and welfare centre with December necessities.