In this SLA, unless a contrary intention is clear, the terms below (and  cognate expressions thereof) shall bear their assigned meanings – 

1.1. Agreement means the agreement between the Parties which  consists of the Terms, the Proposal, and all appendices thereto,  including this SLA, and all such other terms and conditions as may be  incorporated therein by reference; 

1.2. Incident means an interruption to the provision of SaaS Services  which directly impacts Client’s ability to conduct business. Incidents  vary in severity, each of which has the following meaning – 

1.2.1.Severity 1” means an Incident whereby Client is unable to process  critical business transactions, or, where the time taken by Client to  process customer-related-transactions is dramatically diminished  from the norm; 

1.2.2.Severity 2” means an Incident whereby Client is unable to process  important business processes, or, where the time taken by Client to  process transactions is obviously and consistently diminished from  the norm, and where the effect of this shall result, in the short term,  in an adverse impact on Client’s ability to conduct business; 

1.2.3.Severity 3” means an Incident which is not Severity 1 or Severity 2; 

1.3.Proposal” means a Argility document, regardless of the form or title  thereof, signed between the Parties regulating an engagement in  respect of the supply of an instance of Services to Client, which  incorporates the Proposal terms and conditions attached thereto, as  well as the Terms and which describes the Services and estimated  consideration payable by Client; 

1.4.Scheduled Downtime” means time scheduled by agreement between  the Parties for routine maintenance on an item of goods; 

1.5.SRP” means a Service Call which is a request for Services (other than  in relation to an Incident) and/or a Problem Ticket; 

1.6.SLA” means this service level agreement; and 

1.7.Terms” or “General Terms and Conditions” means Argility’s general  terms and conditions of contract, in terms of which it provides the  Services to Client, which can be found at  []as updated and amended from time to time. 

Terms used herein which are not defined in this clause SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SAAS SERVICES) shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and/or Proposal.


2.1. This SLA contains the terms between Argility and Client relating to the  provision of Services by Argility to Client. 

2.2. Save where expressly provided to the contrary, this SLA shall be subject  to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions, including the definitions and rules of interpretation contained therein,  which are incorporated in this SLA by this reference.


3.1. The Service Desk shall – 

3.1.1. receive Service Calls, allocate a reference number to each Service Call  (and advise Client of same), log the Service Call onto a case-tracking  database, record information received from Client during the Service  Call and confirm details of the Service Call to Client; 

3.1.2. upon receiving a Service Call which does not report an Incident,  classify it as an SRP and refer it to the appropriate Resolver; 

3.1.3. upon receiving a Service Call which reports an Incident, classify it as  a Severity 1, Severity 2 or Severity 3, as the case may be, and perform  a review to determine if Client has exhausted all first line and second  line support obligations in relation thereto. Should the Service Desk  determine that Client’s support obligations in relation thereto – have not been exhausted, the Service Desk shall refer the Service  Call back to Client to perform such obligations as the responsible  Resolver and the cost of undertaking this review shall be charged  to Client on a Time and Materials basis; have been exhausted, perform general problem diagnosis, using  the general skills of the Service Desk Staff, in an attempt to Resolve  the Incident; and, failing Resolution through this process, refer the  Service Call to the appropriate Resolver and thereafter track the  Resolver’s progress in relation to that Service Call and manage any  escalation of that Service Call with the Resolver in accordance with  any service levels agreed between Client and the Resolver which  Client has notified in writing to Argility. 

3.2. When placing a Service Call reporting an Incident, Client shall also  provide, where available (and Client shall undertake reasonable  endeavours to investigate these), details of: the Incident and any error  messages generated by the Link and the Argility Systems; reduced  functionality and time delays experienced in the processing of  transactions on the Link and the Argility Systems; and, activities taking  place on the Link and the Argility Systems (by Client) at the time the  Incident was experienced or when any error message was generated. 

3.3. Client shall co-operate with the Service Desk and Resolvers and provide  information reasonably requested and follow instructions reasonably  given, including, in respect of Incidents, those given to try Resolve  and/or reproduce the Incident and/or to provide a screen or data dump  in relation to the Incident or the activities taking place on the Link  and/or the Argility Systems (by Client) at the time the Incident was  experienced. 

3.4. The Service Desk shall close Service Calls once the associated Resolver  notifies Argility that the Service Call has been Resolved, provided that  if Argility forms the opinion, in its reasonable discretion, that a Service  Call may not have been Resolved then Argility shall report this to Client.  Should Client – 

3.4.1. agree that a Service Call has been Resolved, Client shall confirm this  within 3 Business Days, and Argility shall close the Service Call; 

3.4.2. disagree that the Service Call has been Resolved, Client shall notify  the Service Desk within 3 Business Days thereafter, giving detailed  reasons sufficient to allow Argility (or the Resolver) to identify the  steps to be taken to achieve Resolution of the Service Call. For  Incidents, Argility shall determine, based on its reasonable discretion  and on the detailed reasons given, whether it is the same Incident  reported in the original Service Call. Should Argility determine that  it is not, the Service Desk shall close that Service Call and log a new  Service Call reporting a new Incident; 

3.4.3. neither agree or disagree within the relevant period, the Service Call  shall be deemed to have been Resolved and shall be closed. 

3.5. Where Argility Resolves an Incident by way of a temporary resolution  it shall make a determination in the exercise of its reasonable discretion  as to whether it is necessary, practical and economically reasonable to  take action to attempt to avoid similar Incidents in the future. Should  Argility determine that it is, Argility shall generate a Problem Ticket, log  it with the Service Desk, stipulate a non-binding estimated time for  completion thereof, and notify Client accordingly.


4.1. Argility shall perform Support Services in respect of the SaaS Services,  during Service Hours and in accordance with any applicable Service  Levels. For Service Calls placed outside of Service Hours, Argility shall  Respond and provide Support Services after the commencement of the  next cycle of Service Hours. Argility shall provide Support Services by  way of telephone or remote access from Argility to Client’s site.  

4.2. No Service Level Default shall be incurred in respect of Services  (including SaaS Services) during any associated Scheduled Downtime.  Should Client postpone Scheduled Downtime on Services (including  SaaS Services): Argility shall be relieved of its performance of Support  Services and shall not be liable for any Service Level Default until  routine maintenance and servicing of such Services (including SaaS  Services) planned for that Scheduled Downtime has been carried out;  and, all additional costs incurred by Argility arising therefrom shall be  for Client’s account and charged for on a Time and Materials basis. 

4.3. Argility may terminate Support Services or change the types of support  available: on expiration of the then current term for Support Services;  or, on 30 days prior written notice if it reasonably determines that a  modification or alteration to goods (other than made or approved by  Argility) or Client’s failure to install any update or upgrade in the Clint  Environment may interfere with the provision of Support Services.


5.1. The Parties agree that the purpose of Service Levels is to achieve a fair,  accurate and consistent measurement of Argility’s adequate  performance of the associated Services in terms of the Agreement and  that Service Level objectives shall be reviewed (and if necessary  amended on prior written notice) by Argility annually to ensure that  this purpose is being achieved. 

5.2. Service Levels are calculated during Service Hours only and are  measured over a period of a single calendar month at a time. 

5.3. Service Level time periods stated in the Agreement exclude any  travelling and layover time incurred by Argility in performance of the  associated Services which shall be deducted from Response times  and/or Resolve times when calculating whether Service Levels have  been met. 

5.4. Should Argility fail to meet a Service Level, Argility shall: endeavour to  correct the Service Level Default within a reasonable period of time;  and, if it reasonably determines it to be necessary, practical and  economically reasonable, take action to attempt to avoid a similar  Service Level Default in the future. 

5.5. Should Argility fail to meet a Service Level due to factors beyond its  reasonable control including Client’s failure to perform its  responsibilities in a timely manner, Argility shall be excused from  meeting that Service Level for as long as those factors prevail. No  Service Level Default shall be incurred, and Argility shall not be liable  for any Service Level Default, in respect of any Disaster. For these  purposes, “Disaster” means a failure of SaaS Services to operate which  results in a significant adverse impact on Client’s business, and in  respect of which Argility is unable to determine a Resolution for such  failure, despite having applied reasonable efforts. 

5.6. Where Argility has requested Client to provide a screen or data dump  in relation to any Service Call, the calculation of Service Levels in  relation to that Service Call shall exclude the time elapsed between the  time such a request is made until the time Argility receives the entirety  of the screen or data dump so requested. 

5.7. In determining if Argility has met any Service Level, Service Calls shall  be deemed to have been Resolved at the point in time when Argility advises the Service Desk that the Service Call has been Resolved unless  Client notifies Argility to the contrary within 3 Business Days thereafter,  giving detailed reasons sufficient to allow Argility (or the Resolver) to  identify the steps necessary to be taken to achieve closure of the  Service Call. 


6.1. Service Calls placed by Client for any Severity 1 shall be immediately  advised to Argility’s Staff member in charge of the associated Service.  Service Calls placed by Client for any other Incident shall be advised to  Argility’s Staff member in charge of the associated Service should  Argility fail to Respond and/or fail to Resolve the Incident within any  applicable Service Level period in the Proposal

6.2. If Service Calls are escalated the Parties shall hold meetings between  them until the Service Call has been Resolved which meetings may be  physical or virtual (tele- or video-conference). Escalation meetings  shall have a frequency and be attended by representatives of each  Party escalating in seniority, based on the category of the Incident  being experienced, and shall cover the following topics: the steps to be  implemented to Resolve the Service Call and estimated time to Resolve  the Service Call; and, the time of the next escalation meeting during  which progress shall be reported. If necessary, the Parties shall repeat  this process until such time as the Service Call is Resolved. 


Should Client require the provision of the Services at service levels that  exceed the levels set out in this SLA, then such increased services levels  shall be provided subject to the terms and conditions of a separate  Proposal which shall be concluded between the Parties.